Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom {卫星通信基础/Satcom ABC 通信卫星资源/Comsat resource 卫星通信网/Network 链路设计/Link budget 建站开通/Installation 干扰与异常/Interference 降雨衰耗/Rain atten 工作频段/Freq bands 轨位协调/Coordination 中国广播卫星/China DBS 常用数据表/Tables 友情参与/Visitor's area} 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family

干扰与异常 / Interference and anomaly

星上干扰 / Satellite interference


With the rising demand ever, the orbital resource and frequency spectrum resource for GSO communication satellite has been almost fully exploited and utilized, by means of cross polarization, multi coverage, and orbital space reduction. Such overloaded exploitation will inevitably cause mutual interference between the users at different polarizations, overlapping coverage, and neighboring satellites. In addition, interference also appears because of device malfunction, improper operation, and other manmade reasons. Whether intended or not, any kind of interference may lower the quality of service, sometimes even interrupt the communication, and thus, it will bring serious trouble to the satcom users as well as the satellite operators. Therefore, it is necessary for us to analyze the satellite interferences, find out their reasons, and conclude the experience on how to deal with them.


In order to remove a particular interference, we have to locate its source in advance. Normally, the service area of a communication satellite is very wide, even a spot beam can easily cover half of the landmass of China. However, the interference could be uplinked anywhere within the service area. At present, there are several technical measures to find the geographical location of the interference source. Nevertheless, it is not practical to apply such ways to every case. One of the reasons is that some particular conditions should be satisfied for the locating process, and another reason is its high cost.


Traditional measures in interference analysis and removal mainly rely on the engineer who managers the transponder, especially on his or her familiarity with various interferences, relative user carriers, and the incident removal experiences. The following text will briefly introduce common interferences from adjacent satellite, cross-polarization and inter-modulation, and the carrier interference caused by uplink device, and also launched unauthorized even intrusively. Meanwhile, the analysis and processing experiences are discussed.


邻星干扰 / Adjacent satellite


The orbital gap between two GEO communication satellites is normally 2 to 2.5 degrees. Two adjacent satellites which operating at the same frequency band are usually covering the same terrestrial service area. Because an antenna beam has certain width, and the antenna on the earth will point to the adjacent satellites at its side lobe, the transmitting antenna may create interfering radiation (which is known as uplink adjacent interference), and the receiving antenna will also be interfered (which is known as downlink adjacent interference). In order to limit such mutual interference, the operators of the adjacent satellites will follow the Radio Regulations by ITU, to take appropriate measures and limit the power density of the carriers, as well as the antenna size. After such interference coordination, the adjacent interference will be normally tolerable.


When an uplink station in adjacent satellite system increases its uplink power, or its transmitting antenna inclines towards another satellite, some additional uplink adjacent interference will be accidentally happened. To find out such interference, it is suggested to compare the spectrum in the interfering frequency bands for both satellites and then check whether the similar carrier existed or not. If the power levels of the similar carriers at both satellite are much different, while the power level of the suspected interfering carrier is much higher than others at the adjacent satellite, it is likely that the uplink power transmitted by the interfering station is much higher than normal. Otherwise, if the power levels of the similar carriers at both satellites are quite close, it may be caused by the antenna pointing error, or by an uplink antenna with ultra small aperture. After recording the evidence of such interference, the operator of the interfered satellite can then request the operator of the interfering satellite to resolve the problem in a given time.


The accidental downlink adjacent interference is often caused by pointing error of a receiving antenna. After excluding other interference possibilities, the engineer of the interfered station should consider re-pointing the antenna. A rare exception was experienced by the author: once a satellite, which was close to the end of its life, had lost its east/west station keeping because of lack of fuel. It approached its adjacent satellite twice within a day. During that time, a wide frequency band of the adjacent satellite has serious interfered. If similar incident happens, one may look up the monitoring and prediction data of orbital position of the suspect interfering satellite from the internet, and then negotiate with its operator after confirmed the lost control of station keeping.


反极化干扰 / Cross-polarization


In order to increase the efficiency on using limited frequency resource, orthogonal polarization is normally adopted for frequency reuse, thus offering double bandwidth at the certain working band. Binary linear (vertical and horizontal) polarization is used by all Chinese communication satellites, and binary circular (right-hand and left-hand) polarization is often used by some IntelSat and some Russian satellites in C-band.

反极化干扰为工作在不同极化的同频率载波之间的相互干扰。为了避免反极化干扰,卫星天线和地面天线都应该满足一定的极化隔离度指标。卫星公司通常要求入网的地面发送天线在波束中心的交叉极化鉴别率(XPD, Cross-Pol Discrimination),即预期极化的发送载波与其反极化泄漏的功率比值,不低于33到35dB。

Cross-polarization interference is the mutual interference existed between the carriers at different polarizations with the same frequency. In order to avoid the cross-polarization interference, the antennas on the satellite and the earth station should satisfy certain requirement in polarization isolation. The qualification of XPD (Cross-Polarization Discrimination, the power density ratio of the expected polarization and its cross-polarization) requested by satellite companies for the user’s earth station is usually not to lower than 33 to 35 dB at antenna beam peak.


Because of the limited XPD, the transmitting antenna on the ground, the receiving and transmitting antennas on the satellite, and the receiving antenna on the ground, may all cause cross-polarization (cross-pol) interference. After a satellite was launched, the XPD of the antennas onboard could no longer be adjusted. Therefore, the uplink cross-pol interference that we meet is normally caused by the polarization angle mismatch of ground transmitting antennas, or serious overdriven of the uplink power at cross-polarization. And the downlink cross-pol interference is normally caused by the polarization angle mismatch of ground receiving antennas. Uplink cross-pol interference is usually occurred at one or several certain carriers, and downlink cross-pol interference usually affects the whole receiving frequency band.


The procedure to remove cross-pol interference is usually to determine where the interference come from, and then to adjust the polarization angle of the relative uplink or downlink antenna. Before the polarization angle adjustment, the antenna pointing may need to be adjusted in advance. For uplink cross-pol interference, the power level of the uplink carrier is probably necessary to be checked and adjusted, if it is too high.


互调干扰 / Inter-modulation


The power amplifiers in satellite transponders and earth stations are all non-linear ones. When a non-linear amplifier drives multi-carrier at a high output power level that close to the saturation point, it will create intermodulation products and raise the noise floor, thus the carrier-to-noise ratio (C/N) of the output signal will be decreased. The only way to avoid and lower the intermodulation created by a non-linear amplifier is to limit the output power, so as to keep the amplifier working linearly.


In order to avoid uplink intermodulation interference caused by earth station equipmentssatellite companies will usually arrange verification tests on intermodulation specifications for the power amplifiers. The test is prior to an amplifier becoming into use, to limit its maximum usable output power under multi-carrier condition. In order to avoid transponder intermodulation interference caused by non-linear operation, satellite companies will also determine the uplink power for each user’s carrier, relatively to its bandwidth. Once an intermodulation interference is found by daily spectrum monitoring, the satellite company will ask the related user to decrease its uplink power, thus insuring that all the users can use the transponder power resource reasonably and effectively.


上行设备干扰 / Up-link device


Carrier interference is often caused by careless installation or malfunction of uplink devices. It is mainly appeared as the electromagnetic wave coupled into less shielded IF cable, the IF retransmit caused by the coupling between uplink and downlink in an earth station, and the frequency hopping or sweeping interference caused by an unlocked uplink frequency resource.

调频干扰:最常见的中频串扰。调频声音广播的频率范围为88到108MHz,与卫星通信常用的70MHz中频设备的频率范围(62到88MHz)相邻,与140MHz中频设备的频率范围(104到176MHz)部分重合。由于两种中频带通滤波器的带宽范围都会覆盖部分调频声音广播的工作频段,当中频电缆频蔽不良、或者电缆插头座耦合欠佳时, 串入的地面调频广播载波可能随同地球站的中频上行载波,经过变频放大,被发射上星。调频干扰的载波特征为,数十kHz带宽的调频波,三两个同时出现,其频率间隔通常为200kHz的整数倍。因为串扰的耦合程度时有变化,干扰间或出现,载波幅度也不稳定。查找干扰源的方法通常为,用含调频解调功能的频谱仪监听调频广播内容,根据调频台的地名,逐个排查干扰频段附近载波中的同城用户上行站;或者根据调频台频率、干扰载波频率、以及用户载波中频频率之间的相对关系,推算干扰出自哪个上行站。为了保证监听效果,必要时需要暂时关闭被干扰载波。

FM interference is the most common IF coupling through less shielded IF cable. The frequency band of FM broadcast is 88-108 MHz, which is adjacent to the frequency range of 70 MHz IF device (62-88 MHz), and partially overlapping with the frequency range of 140 MHz IF device (104-176 MHz). Since both kinds of IF bandpass filters cover parts of FM frequency band; if the IF cable is not well shield or connected, FM signal will couple into the cable, be up-converted and amplified with the IF carrier, and eventually up-linked to the satellite. The FM interference has the feature that, several FM carriers of some ten kHz bandwidth appear simultaneity, while their frequency spacing is usually integer times of 200 kHz. During the variation of coupling extent, FM interference appears occasionally with unstable amplitude. Normally, there are two ways to find FM interfering source. If the interfering location could be found by monitoring the content of FM broadcast by a spectrum analyzer with demodulation function, the interfering station can be found from the uplink stations at the same location and using the neighboring frequency of the interference. Otherwise, interfering resource can be also found out by checking the frequency relation among FM carrier, suspicious interfering carrier, and IF frequency setting of the suspicious uplink station. To ensure the monitoring effect, the interfered carrier might be asked to turn off temporarily.


Radar and other radio signals will accidentally cause IF coupling interference. Similar to the FM interference, IF interference appears occasionally and its amplitude varies unstably. Once there was a satcom network including some uplink stations located in airports suffered from such interference. When the network migrated to another satellite, the interference also migrated with the carriers to the new satellite.


IF transition is the interference that, in some uplink stations, IF downlink signals are coupled into the uplink channel, and then transmitted to the satellite. In the interfered frequency range at the whole transponder even the adjacent one, the C/N of all carriers seem normal, but their Eb/N0 are much lower than normal. Coupling can happen at different places of the uplink and downlink channels. One of the cases is caused by improper installation of lightening protection device. The method for checking IF transition interference is that transmitting a pure carrier, and monitoring it at downlink. If the pure carrier becomes several ones with increased or decreased frequency and decreased amplitude, such interference surely exists. (The frequency increase or decrease is because of the differences between uplink/downlink frequencies at the earth station and at the satellite.) To find out the interfering station, all the uplink stations in the related frequency band should be checked one by one.


Frequency hopping or sweeping interference presents at some discrete spectrum lines or a normal PSK carrier. The interference hops or sweeps at one or several frequency bands. All the carriers working in the frequency bands will be affected. It is usually generated by an unlocked oscillator of up converter. If the interference looks like a normal carrier, it is suggested that check whether there is a similar carrier in the same transponder or the neighboring transponder, appearing with the interference alternatively. If so, this carrier should be shut down, and its frequency stability should be observed for a long period. To remove an interference with irregular spectrum is a hard job. All the uplink stations operating at the relative frequency band should be checked one by one, especially the ones working improperly, the ones closed recently, and even the ones have been off for a long time and belong to a past customer.


To avoid potential troubles, when a new carrier begins its service, the neighboring frequency band should be observed to find any irrelevant carrier existed or not. Satellite control center could monitor it at downlink, and the uplink site could also check it at uplink frequency band. In addition, to remove a carrier, switching off IF carrier is not enough, but AC power of the RF devices must be turned off as well.


非授权使用与恶意干扰 / Unautrorization and intrusion






地面干扰 / Terrestrial interference




地面微波干扰 / Micro-wave



电波衰落异常与日凌干扰 / Propagation fade and sun outage





电离层闪烁和大气闪烁 / Ionosphere scintillation and aerosphere scintillation





降雨影响 / Rain fade




日凌干扰 / Sun outage

每年春分和秋分的前后几天,静止卫星所在的赤道平面与地球绕太阳公转的轨道平面大致重合,地球站、卫星和太阳会在一天中的某个时刻连成一条直线。这时,地面天线从卫星接收到的载波信号将被淹没在因太阳辐射而产生的热噪声中,这种现象被称为日凌干扰(sun outage)。




卫星工作异常 / Satellite anomaly



转发器增益变化 / Transponder gain setting

转发器增益档复位:通过调整通信卫星转发器中的信道控制单元(CCU, Channel Control Unit)(又称通量控制衰减器,FCA, Flux Control Attenuator)的放大量,可以调整转发器的增益。当通信卫星受到某种空间环境的影响时,可能发生单粒子翻转事件,存储某个转发器增益档设置值的状态锁存器可能因干扰而被复位。在一般情况下,这将使该转发器的增益下降到最小值。由于卫星的遥测信号通常不会反映转发器受干扰而引起的上述状态变化,卫星测控人员无法从遥测数据中得知相关转发器的工作状态已被改变。




卫星轨位异常 / Station keeping





卫星姿态异常 / Attitude control



空间环境引起的卫星故障 / Space environment

通信卫星工作在很不稳定的空间环境中,空间灾害性天气可能对卫星通信产生严重影响。NASA于1996年8月出版的参考文献《Spacecraft System Failures and Anomalies Attributed to the Natural Space Environment》罗列了1973年6月至1995年3月的100多宗在轨卫星和航天飞机因空间环境影响而产生的故障和异常事件。文献对因受空间环境影响而引起的在轨卫星姿控系统故障非姿控系统故障作了分类统计


AKM 远地点发动机 P-Plasma 等离子体
CPE 控制处理电子 M/OD-Meteoroid & Orbital Debris 流星体/轨道碎片 
P/L PayLoad 有效载荷 N-Neutral thermosphere 中性热电离层
SAA 南大西洋异常 R-Radiation 辐射
SEU 单事件翻转 S-Solar 太阳
T&C 遥测遥控 T-Thermal 热
  G-Geomagnetic 地磁



 Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom {卫星通信基础/Satcom ABC 通信卫星资源/Comsat resource 卫星通信网/Network 链路设计/Link budget 建站开通/Installation 干扰与异常/Interference 降雨衰耗/Rain atten 工作频段/Freq bands 轨位协调/Coordination 中国广播卫星/China DBS 常用数据表/Tables 友情参与/Visitor's area} 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family