Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family

        科技译文 / Published Translations


电子电信与自动化 / Electronics, Communication and Robotization

(收录有关电视电声、通信交换、汽车导航和机器人等方面的译文十余篇。/ Including 18 translations relating to the areas about audio, video, communication, navigation, and robot.

摄影技术与器材 / Photography

(收录有关摄影技术和照相器材的译文二十余篇。/ Including 22 translations relating to the areas about camera, lense, flash, film, and photography software.

航海与海战 / Voyage and Naval Battal

(收录有关舰船技术和海战实例的译文十余篇。/ Including 11 translations relating to the areas about civil and war ship technic, propella, life jacket, and sea battle.

 Who am I? 卫星通信技术/Satcom 技术文章/Articles 科技译文/Translations 其他作品/Others 生命的延续/My family